Original quotations sources
These pages are largely inspired by
The Perennial Philosophy - Aldous Huxley
As with The Perennial Philosophy a very large number of
impactful quotations from mysticism in world religions and from
secular poetry appear on our pages.
Further down this page you can find brief details of several
quotations sources including biographical details and historical backgrounds
of some of their authors. To access the quotations themselves please
use this menu of links.
So far as I am aware, with one certain exception, all of the
sources quoted are no longer under Copyright protection. The
certain exception that is known to me is the Chuang Tzu, this
work is still under a restricted, (rather than a full), form of
Copyright, quotes from this source, and also from the Lotus
Gospel (as I am unsure of the status here) have been kept to a
bare minimum.
We hope that readers will be interested enough in these
sources to access the originals. Said originals and some better,
(still under Copyright restriction or just more readily
available), alternatives are listed below.
Christianity and Judaism
The Holy Bible
- Numerous Christian and Judaic quotes featured come from the
New Testament and the Old Testament of the Holy Bible as
presented in the King James Bible. This translation is generally
deemed to be scholarly and is also prized for the literary
quality of it's content.
Of the Imitation of Christ
- Whilst only a few quotes from Thomas a Kempis celebrated
work are presented on these Web pages a host of awesomely
impactful passages in the Of the Imitation of Christ do focus on
the very same Aspects of Spirituality and Being that have been
identified by - the Sage - the True Mystics and the
supreme Poets.
- A number of quotations from Jalaluddin Rumi's Masnavi I
Ma'navi appear on our "Mysticism Quotations" pages.
Rumi and the Masnavi
- Fuller information about Jalaluddin Rumi and the Masnavi
can be reached by following this link - Rumi poetry
Vedanta or Hinduism
The Bhagavad Gita
- A number of quotes from the Bhagavad Gita appear on our
"Mysticism Quotations" pages.
The Upanishads
- The quotations you can read on our "Mysticism Quotations"
pages come from a rather dated translation - by F. Max Muller - a
translation by Juan Mascaro is usually available from Penguin
The Dhammapada
- As with the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads the quotes
from the Dhammapada you can read on our "Mysticism Quotations"
pages come from a dated translation - by F. Max Muller - a
translation by Mascaro is usually available from Penguin
Classics. The Dhammapada tends to be more central to Theravada
Buddhism than Mahayana Buddhism
The Lotus Gospel
- A most important Text in the Mahayana Buddhism of extensive
and populous regions of East Asia.
This may be available as The Lotus of the Wonderful Law - a
translation by W.E. Soothill and published by Curzon Press of
Richmond, Surrey, England.
Chuang Tzu
- A number of quotations from the Chuang Tzu appear on our
"Mysticism Quotations" pages accessible via the Site Map
- Fuller information about Chuang Tzu, Lao Tzu and Taoism,
and yet more quotes, can be reached by following this link - Chuang Tzu
Sources for the Study of Sikhism
- A number of quotations from Sikh Mysticism and Spirituality appear on our
"Mysticism Quotations" pages accessible via the Site Map
- These quotations were mainly gleaned from an U.N.E.S.C.O. sponsored study entitled
"The Sacred Writings of the Sikhs"
The Perennial Philosophy
- The Perennial Philosophy, by Aldous Huxley is a book similar in
content to the "age-of-the-sage" Web site.
It considers a few areas of agreement ( Charity, Purity of
Heart, Humility, Divine Edification ) between the major World
Faiths and includes many quotations from Buddhism and Hinduism,
Taoism and Islam, etc. including some from Chuang Tzu and
The Perennial Philosophy treats mainly with eastern rather
than western sources as Aldous Huxley hoped to present readers
with quotations that were unfamiliar.
The Republic of Plato
- The quotes from The Republic of Plato come from the
translation attributable to J.L. Davies and D.J. Vaughan.
Poetic quotations sources
The myriad of quotes that appear drawn from secular plays and
poetry have sources too numerous to mention in detail.
If you are really interested a good way to track many of the
plays and poems down would be to have recourse to a good book of
Such books are generally indexed by phrase and tend to give
chapter and verse as to the original source after any and each of
the quoted phrases.